Originally Posted by LidderMonolit
After installing NQS, I can not find it anywhere in Delphi menus. Install itself mentioned integration in Delphi IDE, and since I can not find it I have few questions:
- which menu items was it supposed to add ?
- does NQS installation have problems if Delphi is run as non-admin user (seeing as installation itself asked for admin, does it maybe "integrate" into admin-user Delphi ) ?
- do I lose anything important if I do not have that integration?
The exact Installer text is "Install into IDE Tools Menu", so same place you find Delphi's Options, GetIt and other things. The menu should have entries for the NQS tools after the install. That is of course, assuming the checkbox in the installer was left ticked.
Running Delphi as a non-admin user is the norm, so it should definitely work. Just verified here.
If the integration doesn't show up, you don't lose anything, other than the option of starting the tools from that menu.