Old 1st October 2003, 06:08 AM
M. Said
Posts: n/a
Default Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

Hi I have the following Prepared SQL:

Insert into test (Date1) values(:?);

How do I assign NULL to Date1 ?


M. Said

Old 1st October 2003, 06:37 AM
Des O'Toole
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

"M. Said" <muneers@xmail.com> wrote in message news:3f79c4e4@wic040d....
> Hi I have the following Prepared SQL:
> Insert into test (Date1) values(:?);
> How do I assign NULL to Date1 ?
> Regards,
> M. Said

Try using the string "NULL"


Old 1st October 2003, 07:30 AM
M. Said
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

I tried the following:

Q.Params[0].AsString := 'NULL';
Q.Params[0].AsDateTime := NUL;

Does not work. Is this the correct syntax?

Also, I tried to use a TnxTable with the following:

TestTable.FieldByName('DATE1').AsString := 'NULL';
Does Not Work. Is this the correct syntax?

What I am trying to do is assign a NULL value to a DateTime Field while
importing some records from a text file.


M. Said

"Des O'Toole" <des@t-and-h.demon.no-spam.co.uk> wrote in message
> "M. Said" <muneers@xmail.com> wrote in message news:3f79c4e4@wic040d....
> > Hi I have the following Prepared SQL:
> >
> > Insert into test (Date1) values(:?);
> >
> > How do I assign NULL to Date1 ?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > M. Said

> Try using the string "NULL"
> Des

Old 1st October 2003, 07:37 AM
Ole Willy Tuv
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

<< Q.Params[0].AsString := 'NULL';
Q.Params[0].AsDateTime := NUL;

Does not work. Is this the correct syntax? >>



<< TestTable.FieldByName('DATE1').AsString := 'NULL';
Does Not Work. Is this the correct syntax? >>


In SQL you'd assign NULL:

insert into TestTable (DATE1) values(null);

Ole Willy Tuv

Old 1st October 2003, 08:16 AM
M. Said
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

Thanks for the timely response.

When I try:


I get the following exception: Invalid date/time format [no error code]

Also, Where is NUL defined?


M. Said

"Ole Willy Tuv" <owtuv@online.no> wrote in message news:3f79dba2@wic040d....
> << Q.Params[0].AsString := 'NULL';
> or
> Q.Params[0].AsDateTime := NUL;
> Does not work. Is this the correct syntax? >>
> Try:
> Q.Params[0].Clear;
> << TestTable.FieldByName('DATE1').AsString := 'NULL';
> Does Not Work. Is this the correct syntax? >>
> TestTable.FieldByName('DATE1').Clear;
> In SQL you'd assign NULL:
> insert into TestTable (DATE1) values(null);
> Ole Willy Tuv

Old 1st October 2003, 08:26 AM
Ole Willy Tuv
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Assigning NULL to a Prepared SQL DateTime Field

<< When I try:


I get the following exception: Invalid date/time format [no error code] >>

As a last shot, try:

Q.Params[0].Value := Null;

If you get the same error, I'm out of ideas ;-)

<< Also, Where is NUL defined? >>

NULL (not NUL) is defined in Variants.pas (D6/D7) or System.pas (D5).

Ole Willy Tuv

Old 16th January 2025, 11:44 PM
JackT JackT is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 10
Default Do This

Param[0].Value := Null;
Param[0].DataType := TFieldType.ftDate;

This works when you want to set a date parameter to a null value in an UPDATE query

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